Esquire: The 30 Best Books for Holiday Gifting
Mat Hennek’s latest fine art photography book SOUNDS OF SPHERES is on Esquire’s holiday gift list!
Review: NDR Kultur (Germany)
Der Band mit künstlerischen Fotografien von Mat Hennek ist ein wunderschönes Buch voller Naturaufnahmen rund ums Thema "Wasser".
Hot off the Press: New Steidl book Sounds of Spheres
Hot of the Press SOUNDS OF SPHERES now available! In the atmospheric photographs of “Sounds of Spheres,” Mat Hennek creates striking impressions of how we imaginatively engage
Woodlands and Beyond… on
Hélène Grimaud transforms the genre of the recital, integrating a performance of solo piano works by Romantic and Impressionist composers with a multimedia experience. Her recita
Sounds of Spheres – new book with Steidl
In the atmospheric photographs of Sounds of Spheres, Mat Hennek creates striking impressions of how we imaginatively engage with nature. Whether depicting the world from
Interview: The Kitab
Article source: The Kitab KT: How did you get into photography? When/What was your first encounter with photography? MH: After my school time, I started to travel around the
Video release: Hélène Grimaud – Woodlands and beyond…
Together with photographer Mat Hennek, French star pianist Hélène Grimaud, comes up with a multimedia concert project at the Grand Hall of Hamburg’s Elbphilharmonie. Grimaud’
Frames Magazine: The Force of the Missing – review of “Silent Cities” by Mat Hennek
The Force of the Missing – review of “Silent Cities” by Mat Hennek reat photography, like great literature or dance or music or art of any sort, is more idea than anything el